
  • Five Reasons for Your Bad Breath
    Bad breath, or halitosis, is probably not a matter of life or death. But it can make you feel self-conscious and have a negative impact on your life. The majority Read more
  • The Purpose of a Dental Crown
    A dental crown, otherwise known as a cap, covers an infected tooth and can vary in function, depending on the position of the tooth. Crowns cover all the visible parts Read more
  • Diastema, or, Mind the Gap!
    Diastema is a medical term meaning “space between”—or what the doctor and our team less formally call a gap between the teeth. Such gaps are common for children as they Read more
  • I haven’t been to the dentist in years; what should I expect?
    Time flies when we are not at the dentist! Before you know it, years may have gone by. Let’s take a moment to explain what takes place when a patient Read more
  • Top Reasons People Choose Veneers
    Dental veneers are a way to correct and transform your smile by using “contact lens”-thin shells of porcelain or ceramic material and bonding them to the front of your teeth. Read more
  • My mouth is dry. What can I do?
    Nobody likes a dry mouth. It is an uncomfortable and sometimes oddly unexplainable sensation that most people like to avoid. It is not a condition that automatically sends you into Read more
  • Fun Facts for the Fourth
    The Fourth of July is a great time to get together with friends and family members for BBQ, games, fireworks, and other celebrations in honor of our country’s independence. While Read more
  • Happy Fourth of July
    Every year, Americans all over the world celebrate the birth of the country and its independence on the Fourth of July. There are countless ways that people celebrate and they Read more
  • The Most Common Causes of Gum Disease
    Unless you're aware of the signs and symptoms of gum disease and how it's caused, it's possible that you may have unknowingly developed it. Often painless, gum disease -- or Read more
  • Find Out how Your Diet can Cause Cavities
    Sometimes food that’s good for your body isn’t necessarily the best for your teeth. the doctor and our team want you to know which healthy foods can harm your teeth Read more
  • I have halitosis. What can I do?
    Halitosis is the fancy, scientific word for “bad breath.” the doctor and our team know there are several reasons why you may have halitosis; let’s look at a few: Gum disease Read more
  • What to do about Sensitive Teeth
    If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you already know the frustration of having a type of pain that is hard to deal with. Because tooth sensitivity is sometimes unpredictable, you Read more
  • Broken Tooth: Is It an emergency or not?
    Have you ever had that sinking feeling after biting into something soft and chewy and feeling something hard and crunchy instead? You’ve chipped or broken a tooth, but what should Read more
  • How can I protect my child's teeth during sports?
    Sports are great for children for a variety of reasons. Children can develop their motor skills, learn how to solve conflicts and work together, and develop their work ethics. As Read more
  • Improve your oral health with xylitol!
    Xylitol tastes sweet, but unlike sugar, it is not converted to acid that can cause your teeth to decay. It’s a naturally occurring sweetener found in plants, fruits, and vegetables; Read more
  • Dental Tips for Your Summer Vacation
    Summer’s here, and it’s time to enjoy a well-deserved break! But even though school’s out, please take a few minutes to learn some tips from the doctor to keep your Read more

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